Thank you for scheduling this appointment. Please select a Success System:

Available for all hair types and textures. 

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"Let's talk." Book A Consultation

Obtain my exclusive one-on-one focused attention to your questions and concerns, plus, take advantage of my specialized hair expertise and/or advice. We only need about 30 minutes of time to gain insight, advice, and action steps to propel you to the next phase of growth.
Duration 30 mins.

Growth Analysis - Virtual
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Growth Analysis - Virtual

Growth Analysis - Virtual

There will be a comprehensive interview, data analysis, and custom Growing Strands Pillars of Success Plan as we discuss your hair rejuvenation and non-surgical hair replacement options. In addition, receive private coaching on a particular hair challenge or goal. Send pictures and/or video of hair and scalp prior to appointment and we will help you take your hair growth to that next level. 
Duration 45 mins.

Full Scope Hair & Scalp Exam - In Person
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Full Scope Hair & Scalp Exam - In Person

Full Scope Hair & Scalp Exam -
In Person

Prior to appointment: Do not wash hair 24 - 48 hrs. before appointment. A Board-Certified Trichologist will conduct:
***Comprehensive Interview
***Scalp dermoscopy-trichoscopy
***In-depth Growth Analysis
***Custom Growing Strands Pillars of Success Plan
***Receive a complimentary 30-minute low laser light therapy (LLLT) follow-up appointment within 2 weeks.
***Complete Intake Form Prior to Appointment.
Duration 2 hours

Hair Replacement Laser Therapy
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Hair Replacement Laser Therapy

Hair Replacement Laser Therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as Cold Laser Therapy, Red Light Therapy, or Photobiomodulation (PBM), is a medically recognized, non-invasive solution for treating hair loss and stimulating natural hair regrowth. Backed by clinical research, LLLT works by delivering gentle, therapeutic light energy to the scalp — increasing blood flow, energizing hair follicles, and extending the growth phase of the hair cycle.This FDA-cleared treatment is effective for both men and women experiencing androgenetic alopecia (pattern hair loss), thinning hair, or hair shedding. By revitalizing weakened follicles and improving cellular activity, LLLT supports stronger, thicker, and healthier hair — without drugs, surgery, or side effects.Whether you're looking to restore your crown or enhance the results of your hair care routine, LLLT is a safe, science-driven path to growing strands with strength and confidence. Duration 30 mins.



Want more ways to see results—when would you like to start?


Have Any Questions? Email me directly.

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What our customers say

Man Wearing Bluetooth Earbuds



"I'm VERY impressed with what's happening to my hair!!!"

Advanced Hair Therapy - Pillars of Success


Client Reviews:   You're In The Grow — Not In Decline

Close Up Stylist Parting Hair


"In less that one month using the Growth System my stylist asked what I was using on my hair and said she can see new growth."

Young Woman Portrait Natural Light


"The hair oil grew my hair back so fast after a surgery that left plugs shedding out of my scalp."

Man In Tanktop


"I love the growth system. It smells good and has filed in the thin spots in my beard."

Female Fashion Smiles


"I love all your products. Your products are amazing."